Our MISSION is what we’re supposed to be doing. Our VALUES are why we do what we do. Our VISION is what we will be by God’s grace!


Our mission is Christ’s unchanging charge: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19–20)

We proclaim Jesus Christ so all people may richly know and fully follow Him.

Our Values

The Gospel

The gospel is the power of God for salvation. It’s the most valuable thing in the world, it’s free, and it’s our heartbeat. (Rom 1:16, Col 1:3-6)

Bible Teaching

God’s power is in His Word: it changes lives. We value meaty Bible teaching and expositional preaching because God’s Word is the authority for faith and practice.  (1 Thess 2:13, 2 Tim 3:16, Heb 4:12)

The Great Commission.

God values all people. Our evangelism and outreach proclaim His grace—whether down the street or across the globe. (Matt 28:19-20, Acts 1:8)


People are our investment: families, children, and precious souls from all walks of life. We provide platforms for fellowship, encouragement, and healthy relationships. (Acts 2:42-47, Heb 13:2, 1 John 1:7)


Sunday is an overflow of worship from our week. We worship in reverent prayer, generous giving, reception of the Word, and biblically-rich song. We make Christ—not ourselves—the focal point of our worship to the glory of God. (2 Cor 9:6-9, Eph 6:18, Col 3:16)


We seek to encourage and disciple believers toward growth and service. Training and opportunities prepare Christians for the incredible joys of ministry. Special emphasis is placed upon leadership development. (1 Cor 12:11-12, Eph 4:11-13, 2 Tim 2:2)

Pastoral Care

As head of His church, Christ mediates His rule through biblically qualified elders. We value faithful shepherding care, loving reproof, and gracious restoration. (Matt 18:12-17, Gal 6:1, 1 Pet 5:1-4)

Our Vision


“We envision a church built on expositional preaching. We envision dynamic, relevant, and practical teaching that is both wide in scope and deep in content. We envision a church of sound, unwavering biblical instruction. We envision a clear path for maturity through group discipleship and personal mentorship, where theology is not only taught but also discussed. We envision a feast for those that hunger and thirst for God’s Word—a destination where you will be well-fed.”


“We envision a church fixated on evangelism. Compelled to proclaim the gospel of our dear Lord, we envision that message to be woven into the fabric of every church ministry. We envision eyes that look outward and feet that carry the good news to our neighbors and community. We envision fresh, creative outreach that welcomes in the lost and outreach that goes to where the lost live and play. We envision missions support that is financial and prayerful—receiving and sending—support that seeks relationships, not just results. We envision the Lord Jesus Christ bringing about a revival for gospel work in our own hearts and our community.”


“We envision a family: a fellowship of vastly different, surprisingly unique people all united by faith in Christ. We envision deep relationships where we live out life together in all its joys and sorrows. We envision this community to serve families, youth, and children—while extending a love that embraces singles and widows as part of a greater family in Christ. We envision a church where lively events and activities provide a backdrop for rich friendships.”

Worship on Sunday

“We envision holiness. As we yearn for sanctuary from the worldly and base, we envision God’s gathered people worshiping Him in Spirit and truth. We envision Sunday mornings to be filled with reverent prayer, generous giving, and theologically-rich song. We envision open doors to all who wish to glorify God in biblical adoration. We envision new Christians receiving baptism, the Lord’s Supper, and recognition in membership. We envision transformation as we repent and renew in the gathered assembly.”

Worship in Song

“We envision worship in song for the pleasure of God. We envision skillful musicians furnishing artistic arrangements for an offering by the primary choir, the congregation. We envision biblically robust songs that retell the gospel and teach us anew. We envision a music ministry that blends old and new, prioritizing content over style. We envision worship in song where experience flows from authentic expressions of truth–worship where souls cry not ‘what a great song!,’ but ‘what a great God!’”


“We envision people equipped to use their gifts for the glory of God. We envision a church that supplies you with what Christ calls you to through classes and relationships. We envision a church that provides opportunities to serve and be served. We envision crops of influential leaders identified and trained through intentional leadership development. We envision Christians filled with Scriptural wisdom, confident, and equipped in areas of life.”

Pastoral Care

“We envision shepherds caring for sheep. We envision elders teaching truth, counseling needs, and casting vision. We envision qualified elders and deacons working together to meet the needs of the whole person. We envision humble, gracious leaders making peace, restoring the wayward, and guarding the church. We envision a united group of servant-leaders keeping watch over God’s people, setting an example in how they live and what they believe.”

Contact Us

Contact info

2000 W. North St, Bellingham, WA 98225

Gathering Times

Sunday School

Sunday Service

Events Calendar
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